Bed bugs. Just the thought can set your arms and legs to itching and have you wanting to burn your mattress and rip up the carpet in your home.
There are many different ways that you can get rid of bed bugs, including bed bug traps and other bed bug treatments. While it’s always a good idea to hire a bed bug exterminator to get rid of the bed bugs for you, there are bed bug treatments that you can try that might work until they can get there.
In this blog, you can find a little about the different types of bed bug traps, how they work, and if it’s a good idea to invest in them as well.
What Are Bed Bug Traps?
The first thing you need to know is that bed bugs are pesky and will drive you insane until you’re rid of them, but they aren’t dangerous, and they can’t hurt you.
Bed bug traps are just what the name implies, traps that catch the pesky little critters and keep them from biting you. Bed bugs wander into the traps and get caught there, cutting down on the population of bed bugs in your home. That is if you get the right traps. There are different types of traps, and you need to get the best bed bug traps for your home and situation.
Do Traps for Bed Bugs Work?
The biggest question that needs to be answered is whether these traps indeed work the way they are put out. So, the first thing you need to do is look for the warning signs that you have bed bugs; then, it’s time to react.
Traps that catch bed bugs are said to work well. Even exterminators will tell you they work great for helping to monitor bed bug activity in your home. However, these traps are not a long-term solution. Instead, traps should be used in conjunction with other pest control methods to ensure you’re killing the bed bugs and their eggs also.
However, it’s important to note that these traps don’t always work, especially if you have a heavy infestation. This is because traps catch bed bugs that are scurrying to your bed and keep them from climbing into it. But, unfortunately, they can’t do anything about the bugs that are already living in your mattress.
Types of Traps Explained
While many people pick up these hitchhikers while traveling, it is possible to bring them into your home from anywhere. There are quite a few different types of traps for bed bugs out there, from DIY bed bug traps to traps you order from the store. We’ll go into a few of those traps and how they work below.
Passive Traps
A passive trap takes advantage of the fact that bed bugs can neither fly nor jump and have to crawl to their host to feed. These traps are meant to stop the bed bugs from getting to their destination, which is your bed, couch, and other furnishings in your home.
The traps may be sticky on both sides, and you’re able to attach them to your sofa legs and the legs of the bed frame. Much like flypaper, this trap stops the bugs from climbing onto your furnishings and making you a meal. There’s nothing in these passive traps to repel or kill the bugs, however.
One passive trap is the interceptor trap. Since bed bugs have a hard time climbing smooth surfaces, these traps catch them before they can climb onto your bed or sofa.
The other type is a glue trap, which catches the bed bugs and glues them to the trap, much like the flypaper discussed above. The bugs become trapped, and since they can’t break free, they die in the trap. Like flytraps, these are unsightly.
Active Traps
Just as the name suggests, active traps actively work to trap bed bugs and keep them off your furnishings. Older versions of active traps emit carbon dioxide and heat to attract the bugs and draw them into the trap.
The more modern versions attract the bugs by emitting pheromones as well to draw them in. However, once the bed bugs wander into an active trap, they can’t get out because the walls are smooth and steep on the inside. Thus, the bed bugs are trapped in the container until you remove them.
Tips for Using Traps for Bed Bugs
You’ve purchased the traps for bed bugs; now, you need to know how to use them most effectively. Start by putting a trap on each of the bedposts on your bed. Bed bugs feed at night when humans are in bed asleep, in most instances. So, they have to climb the bedposts to get onto the bed. Placing a trap on each bedpost helps to stop them.
There are traps out there that use bait to attract the bed bugs, don’t use these if you have pets. Your dog or cat will be just as attracted to these as the bugs are.
Never add pesticides to the traps. Pesticides are harmful to humans and pets. Also, since most traps for bed bugs are in the bedroom, you don’t want pesticides there as they don’t belong where people sleep.
Traps Are Not a Long-Term Solution
Remember that though traps for bed bugs work to alert you to their presence and to keep them from climbing your bed and other furnishings to make a meal out of you, they’re not a long-term solution.
After you set your traps, it’s best to contact a professional to come in and take care of your bed bug problem for you, if at all possible.
Rid Your Home of Bed Bugs Now
So, the answer to the above question of whether bed bug traps work is not is a yes. However, they’re not a long-term solution, and it’s best to use them in conjunction with other bed bug treatments.